Buddleja davidii 'Dubonnet'

Buddleja davidii
Cultivar 'Dubonnet'

Buddleja davidii 'Dubonnet' is one of the older davidii cultivars, and one which has enjoyed much commercial success, although it has now become eclipsed by newer releases and no longer widely available. [1]



'Dubonnet' typically grows to a height of 2.0 m. The cultivar is distinguished by its deep purple flowers with light orange throats, forming terminal panicles 20 - 25 cm in length. The leaves are an unremarkable green and of medium size for the species.[2]


'Dubonnet' has become established on both sides of the Atlantic. USDA zones 5 - 9.


Suppliers in the UK can be found in the RHS Plantfinder [1].


  1. ^ Stuart, D. D. (2006). Buddlejas. p 69. RHS Plant Guide. Timber Press, Oregon. ISBN 9780881926880
  2. ^ Moore, P. (2011). List of Buddleja davidii cultivars held at Longstock Park Nursery, 2011. Longstock Park, UK.